
Tell me you hear me with your heart,

dont say you understand me with your mind.

Feel my words flow through your being,

do not just repeat them back to me.

Because I can sense everything you see,

so there’s no hiding when you’re in front of me.

I’m angry,

you say you want my fullest expression,

but really,

in truth,

how present,

can you stay,

when I express myself this way?

Because from what I recall,

every time I’ve opened my heart to you,

and shown you parts of me,

that nobody else gets to see,

is when I’ve felt most rejected by you.

So either way,

I cannot win,

You can’t accept me anyway.

And what I’ve realised is,

that this is not a reflection of me.

Because in truth you see,

it was never about me,

it was the relationship you had with yourself.

So I gave you back all the pain,

that you once projected,

onto me.



