The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words - ‘Rei’ meaning Universal and ‘Ki’ meaning Life force energy.
So Reiki translates to Universal Life Force energy.
What is Reiki?
Reiki, a type of energy healing originating from Japan, is a gentle method that aims to stimulate healing in the client. It does this by releasing stagnant and blocked energy from the body's energy centres (chakras) and wherever else it may be held in the body. This process promotes a smooth energy flow throughout the body, bringing the body, mind and spirit back to balance and harmony.
Practitioners place their hands on or above the main energy centres of the body and other places if need be. The practitioner will channel a high vibrational healing energy into the client. This process helps to activate the clients natural healing processes of their body and restore physical and emotional well-being.
You might be familiar with terms like chakras, meridians, bio-field, or aura – these channels facilitate the distribution of life force energy, similar to how blood circulates in the body. Just as a blockage or interruption in blood flow swiftly leads to physical symptoms, the energetic system behaves similarly. If energy flow is hindered, you may experience various symptoms such as anxiety, fatigue, digestive issues, sleep issues, headaches, muscle tension, concentration issues or depression. Prolonged blockages can eventually manifest as chronic pain, illnesses, or diseases.
Numerous factors can contribute to energetic blockages, including chronic stress, unresolved traumas (even those from childhood), suppressed emotions, and significant life events. If left unaddressed, these factors can accumulate and result in energetic blockages.
Furthermore, negative thoughts and self-criticism can deplete life force energy and create imbalances in the body, given the intricate connection between body and mind. Cultivating self-compassion and patience is crucial for healing the body, mind, and spirit. Therefore, the primary goal of a reiki session is to restore energy flow, eliminate blockages, regulate the nervous system, and stimulate self-healing.
What are the Benefits of Reiki?
Shifts nervous system from sympathetic - fight and flight stress state into the rest, digest and restore. This aids in healing the body and recovering from any mind / body illnesses, diseases or imbalances.
It therefore aids in regulating and balancing your metabolism, mood, energy levels, sleep, digestion, detoxification, healing, and recovery.
Relieves chronic pain & discomfort.
Awakens intuition & heightens your self awareness and mind - body connection.
Relieves depression and anxiety.
Boosts mental clarity and creativity.
Increases feelings of peace, love, joy and gratitude.
Strengthens immune system and aids in healing and recovery.
Aids in the body's process of detoxification and promotes digestion.
Promotes deep relaxation and improves sleep quality.
Helps to release and clear blocked and suppressed emotions / energy.
Aids in releasing unresolved traumas.
Increases blood flow and circulation which helps the body to recover from injury / illness quicker.
What to expect during a session?
You will be fully clothed during your Reiki session, you will be laying down and relaxing, so come in comfortable clothing.
During your session we will go into a meditative state to relax your body & mind, and we will work on bringing your chakras into balance - this can to boost your self awareness, help ground you and bring your mindset back into balance. I may incorporate the use of crystals and sound healing too if requested.
Energy will be moving throughout the body, as a result, you may feel different sensations like warmth, coolness, tingling, muscle twitching, vibration etc. This is all perfectly normal, this is your body releasing stuck energy. You could also have emotional releases - please bear in mind that I always offer a safe, nurturing space where you are allowed to let these emotions go, without fear of judgement or criticism.
You may feel tired afterwards as you may have released a lot of stagnant energy or you may feel very energetic - everyone reacts differently.
To get the best out of your session, I recommend avoiding anything that can alter your body, like caffeine, alcohol, excess of sugar, or processed foods etc. You may need extra rest and to drink more water, as your body will have done a lot of work energetically.